Country Kids is a rural community owned pre-school, located in the beautiful Moutere valley. We are fully licensed under the 2008 Early Childhood Education Regulations, which means we meet or have exceed all of the Ministry of Education requirements. Country Kids is governed by a Board of Trustees and is based in a purpose built facility. We’ve been operating for over 30 years with the support of our wonderful community.
We are open from 7:30am-5:00pm Monday to Thursday and 8:00am to 5:00pm Friday.
Our Philosophy
- Our tamariki (children) and kaiako (teachers) play and work cooperatively, developing and enhancing creative minds.
- Our curriculum is rich and meaningful; tamariki are encouraged to celebrate their individual learning and multiple intelligence.
- Curiosity, inquiry, working together and having fun form the foundations of learning for tamariki and kaiako alike.
- Meaningful relationships are based on trust, respect and open, honest communication – which inspires exciting learning.
- Manaakitanga means to care for someone’s mana. We demonstrate this through our values; our integrity, equity, generosity, humour, professionalism and sincerity.
- We respect and celebrate Te Tiriti O Waitangi through our curriculum, our philosophy and our teaching practice.
- We are respectful of the impact our actions have on others and the environment.
Taken after Country Kids 30th Birthday celebration in November 2017.